Smiling photo of Kate Champion


I'm Kate Champion, ADHD Coach and advocate for neurodiverse people. I specialise in helping others with ADHD build up their confidence and develop coping strategies that work for them. I work one to one, with adults of all agesI work with a variety of clients who have ADHD and specialise in working with those with mental health barriers such as anxiety and depression, autistic people and those with specific learning difficulties (SpLDs), and LGBTQ people.


I have always had a great passion for art - and I have worked in media such as textiles, watercolour, sculpture and photography.


I have always had a passion for helping others and a commitment to disability advocacy, even before my ADHD diagnosis in 2019.Prior to working as an ADHD coach I was in the creative industries, completing a fine art specialisation, and working as a studio and production assistant for a graphic design agency. I now bring this love of creative pursuits to develop unique methods for managing my own ADHD and that of others, alongside offering Drawing & Talking therapeutic courses.Education wise I specialised in Psychology with a BPS accredited Natural Sciences Degree from the University of Cambridge, where I also completed an internship with the problem gambling and addiction laboratory, a difficulty I know also greatly impacts people with ADHD. As student disabilities officer at Newnham College Cambridge, I worked closely with students, staff and the university’s disability resource centre.


If you would like to book me for a one-on-one session or would like to take part in group sessions you can do so via my website I am always happy to answer questions you may have about the ADHD coaching process over email.